Road 633 – Avenue de Fayetteville
Open all year from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Excepted 25th december and 01st january.
Free entrance.
The American Battle Monument Commission (ABMC), established by law in 1923, is an independent agency of the Executive Branch of the US Government.
The Commission is responsible for commemorating the services and achievements of United States Armed Forces where they have served since April 6, 1917 (the date of US entry into World War 1) through the erection of suitable memorial shrines ; for designing, constructing, operating and maintaining permanent US military cemeteries and memorials in foreign countries, for controlling the design and construction of US military monuments and markers in foreign countries by other US citizens and organizations, both public and private, and encouraging the maintenance of such monuments and markers by their sponsors.
Visitor center
You can meet the staff, have you questions answered and sign the guest book.
The overlook
At the cemetery’s east end of the ground rises to a knoll with the overlook. From it, you can see the entire cemetery and the countryside for miles to the west.
The walls of the Missing
The wall of the Missing, upon which are inscribed the name, rank, organization and State of 444 men of the United States Army and Army Air Corps, extend to the north and south of the tower.
They gave their lives in the service of their country, but their remains were not recovered or identified. An asterisk marks those who were subsequently recovered. Their names include men from 43 different States.
At the end of the walls is this inscription in both English and French – “Here are recorded the names of Americans who gave their lives in the service of their country and who sleep in unknown graves”.
The Memorial
This tower, 67 feet high, is of Euville limestone from the region of Commercy near the Meuse River some 70 miles to the southwest. Its walls are carved with bold vertical figures. The dark stone of its base in Belgian “petit granit”. On the west façade is a sculptured roundel bearing the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States. High on the tower are three superimposed angels of Victory each bearing a laurel wreath.
Above the entrance to the memorial, carved from Euville stone, is a 26 feet tall figure of St. Nabor, another spelling of St. Avold, extending his blessing upon those who rest here or are commemorated on the Walls of the Missing.
Inside, on the left wall, is a large map in colored glazed ceramic portraying military operations in Western Europe from the landings in Normandy until the end of hostilities. A smaller map entitled : “From the Moselle to the Rhine” records the fighting in the region of St. Avold. Accompanying the maps are iscriptions of the detailed operations in both English and French.
High on the wall above the maps, as well as on the opposite wall, are the flags of these components of our military services : Air Corps, Armor, Cavalry, Christian and Jewish Chaplain, Chemical Warfare Service, Coast Artillery Corps, Corps of Engineers, Field Artillery, Infantry, Medical Department, Military Police Corps, Navy Infantry Battalion, Ordnance Department, Quartermaster Corps, Signal Corps ans Transportation Corps.
Flanking the door, to the right, is the dedicatory inscription : “In pround remembrance of the achievements of her sons and in humble tribute to their sacrifices this memorial has been erected by the United States of America”.
The cemetery
The graves area is reached by a broad flight of steps from the front of the Memorial. It consists of nine plots laid out about the axis in a symmetrical pattern, divided by gracefully curved paths. The headstones are set in straight lines in each of the plots. Stars of David mark the graves of those who professed the Jewish faith while Latin crosses mark all others.
These 10,489 Dead who gave their lives in ou country’s service came from every State in the Union, and the District of Columbia, as well as from Puerto Rico, Panama, Canada, the United Kingdom and Mexico.
One hundred and fifty-one headstones mark the graves of “Unknows”. Among the headstones are 28 instances in which two brothers lie side by side. Also, in one instance, three men whose names are known are buried together, and a bronze tablet on the grave recods their names. There are four Medal of Honor recipients whose headstones are inscribed in gold-leaf.
The cemetery is enclosed within a plantation of Scotch pine interspersed with groups of beech, oak and maple. Color has been introduced not only by the flowering shrubs but also by means of long borders of pink polyantha roses, both on the memorial terrace and flanking the central mall. Flanking the memorial are massive hedges of European beech backed by lindens.
In the graves area are informal groups of English oak, honey locust, white and red flowering hawthorns and pagoda trees. Flowering shrubs have been grouped in the open grass area and include hibiscus, philadelphus, hydrangea, lilac and buddlia.